Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

There's nothing more morbid than staying in to watch a documentary on a child wanna-be killer on stormy Halloween night.

With the lights off too.

I'm also going to watch a couple of Doctor Who episodes: "Silence in the Library" (S4E8) and "Forest of the Dead" (S4E9). In my opinion, they're the scariest episodes in the series so far.

Happy Halloween and for fuck's sake stop the fireworks before 2am, okay?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Food Coma

You know what's not a good idea? Having two high carb, low fibre, food-coma inducing, Italian meals within three days.
Veal & Spinach Tortellini at Pacifico

Sure is yummy, though.

Monday, October 22, 2012

I've Got Big Balls

All four of them.
Spaghetti e Polpette at Zefferelli's

Veal & ricotta meatballs braised with tomato & red wine. So good!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

This is another edition of Whatever-I-Want-Mondays on a Tuesday brought to you by Acexpression who went on an origami-making craze. Below is a magic ball made out of regular printer paper. Click here for instructions on how to make it and what the final product should look like.
A rainbow rainbow :)
Peacocks only wish they had plumage like that

I left it in its lattice shape because taping the ends together is a bitch.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Learn A (Dirty) New Language

These books were the best things I bought from my trip to New York and I actually bought them in Seattle of all places while on my way back home to Vancouver. Go figure.

The most hilarious moment was when one of my friends tried to say "I would like to eat your tofu" in Mandarin. At first I didn't understand what she was saying; however, when I figured it out, my jaw dropped because I thought that was the standard phrase that one would use when making a proposition to perform oral sex upon another person.

It was rather disappointing to learn that it's a common expression for "I would like to sexually harass you a bit." Boo-hiss.

Oh, well. I'll still always consider "wǒ xiăng chī nĭ de dòufu" to be performing oral sex rather than to sexually harass.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life Wrecker

Yes, I know it's Tuesday and I have no excuse. So allow me to make this public service announcement: Please do not download this game or it will ruin your life as it has ruined mine.

I've deleted all traces of Cosmic Colony from my tablet but then found out that it's very easy to get it back :(

Friday, October 5, 2012

T.G.I.F: Female Night Elves Are Sexy

This is a "Oh-shit-I-was-too-busy-during-the-week-to-write-so-here's-a-Friday-post-about-my-life-which-may-be-TMI" type of blog post. Consider it as another Whatever-I-Want-Mondays post with a dash of Happy Humpday but on a Friday instead!

This may only be a short run; it all depends on how many different acronyms I can come up with for T.G.I.F. I don't know yet.

So I've started playing World of Warcraft again for the Mists of Pandaria expansion and here is my character:

T.G.I.F: That Girl Is Fine!

You don't need to know much about the game to understand this post other than damn, that girl is fine! Yes, there are some days when I find girls to be more attractive guys and I get really confused about my sexuality. Then I look at some heterosexual porn and everything becomes fine again. (I warned you about the TMI!)

By the way, did you know I have a Facebook page? Click here to like me or just drop by and say hi! :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Colours of Autumn

It is officially fall! The trees said it was so.

Yeah, I don't go by the dates of the year; I go by the colours of the leaves.

So pretty!