Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Holidays

I did not expect to be so freaking busy during the holidays but I was.
My family doesn't celebrate Christmas in terms of exchanging gifts and putting up decorations and all the jazz, but I made dinner.
2.83kg of top sirloin roast beef. We are on day 4 of leftovers.
Roast beef came out juicy and tender; cooked fucking perfectly. (I love you master chef oven!)

The vegetables were a bit soggy but the potatoes were soft.

A belated Happy Holidays to you all. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

T.G.I.F: When the End of the World is Nigh, Have Some Sex

When I woke up this morning and checked the time, it was 4:44am on December 21, 2012.

Not the best of omens on the day that the world ends. Why? It's because in spoken Mandarin, the number "four" sounds very similar to "die." So not having a 4th floor in a lot of Eastern countries is the counterpart to not having a 13th floor in Western countries.

In continuation with this vein of superstitious bullshit, I would like to report that my numerological horoscope today is 2:
Two is a number that carries with it very little energy, allowing events to run naturally on their own. Today is not a day for new undertakings or changing of direcion. If possible, take some time off to relax and focus on your personal life. Sensitivity and a feeling of self-consciousness affect you strongly today. It is a good day to be in harmony with others. Romance is highly favourable.
And my daily horoscope from three sources all say different and ambiguous things (as usual):

Have you been looking for a few good reasons to worry? Do you wish the bill collectors would show up at your door and give you an ultimatum? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you went outside this morning to find that your car had a flat tire? No, no, and no! You would never seek out any of the above. But you are now embarking on an endeavour with someone who seems to get you in a lot of trouble. Maybe you should rethink that decision.
There's nothing quite like sharing but not doing, is there? So don't describe how you'd like to be a nightclub crooner or a performance artist or a corporate executive who can hardly find enough companies to raid -- just do it! Get out there and find the place you need to be. Not sure it's the right time? Make it the right time, and enjoy the heck out of this exhilarating process.
Creative abilities that have been dormant are now awakened. This is a period when you can tap into new creative talents, and become more spontaneous and inventive. The ability to improvise and respond situations spontaneously, rather than needing a great deal of preparation, is heightened.
I have three horoscope apps on my tablet because they are just absolutely fucking hilarious to read and obvious bullshit is obvious.

In any case, the point that I'm trying to make is that this whole kerfuffle is all much ado about nothing.

The thing that bothers me most is that the assumption is the world would end when the clock strikes midnight. However, they never said in which time zone would it occur. I'm guessing that it would be the Central time zone (UTC-6) where the Mayans were geographically located but as far as I know, they're ahead of my time by two hours and it is now 8:16am.

So the basis of your logic is faulty and you can fuck off now while I enjoy my early morning eggnog concoction on a well-deserved day off.

Then I'm going follow the instructions to Bruno Mars' The Lazy Song and do fuck all. Also please enjoy these print ads from Durex (see more at SourceFed).

T.G.I.F: They Got It Fucking (Right)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Nail Polish Obsession

I went out and bought five new nail polish colours because I got bored with Into the Night (see Mad for Manicures). A healthy start to a new obsession. Hopefully this will blow over as a brief personal fad and not turn into a money-draining habit.

Chest-nuts about you, Sephora by OPI

Isn't it pretty? It reflects a silver, copper or rose-pink tone depending on the type of lighting.

In nerdier news, the trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness came out yesterday and I was right there alongside with all the other nerds, analyzing and going over each frame with a fine-tooth comb. Well, more like they were trying to figure out the identity of the villain while I ogled the male cast. So far, I haven't seen any bare chests like in the last one (boo). All I'm saying is that somebody had better be shirtless by the end of the movie.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Taiwan 2013: The Countdown Begins

Travel dates are confirmed. Airfare is booked. Excited I am!

There's lots to do and see both before and during the trip, and not enough time to do it in. Holy frack, I gotta get organized. Let the list-making begin!