Thursday, July 5, 2012

Shit Chinese People Eat: Chicken Eyes

The only things we can't eat from the air, land, and sea
are planes, cars, and boats.

This is the last "edible" part of a chicken head, and let me tell you that it is not fucking edible. At all. I mean, look at this!

Would you want to eat this shit?

That little tail to the left is the optic nerve. Oh, Jesus Christ on a stick.

That looks like it belongs in my daily dump and even then it would be an anomaly! I peeled away the eyelids (and I ate it because it's skin and it's the only edible part of a chicken eye, really) and came face-to-face with a slime-encrusted eyeball.

Holy fuck. Did you know that the iris is protected by a thin stiff film that breaks when you poke it? Then black liquid oozes out from behind?

I have seen Chinese people (okay just my Dad) pick an entire chicken head clean, leaving nothing but bones and brittle stuff behind.

I don't get it! How the fuck can something like that be edible when it's not!

Fuck this!

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