Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shit Chinese People Eat: Baby Octopus

The only things we can't eat from the air, land, and sea
are planes, cars, and boats.

My parents, being the adventurous eaters that they are, bought this appetizer dish from Fujiya, a Japanese grocery store:

Chopped ginger and hot peppers make it look so pretty...

If this octopus was a character on South Park, it would be Canadian for sure. A Hannibal Lecter edition because mmm brains! Or a scuttling baby Alien from the back. Beware of its corrosive saliva:

...but that doesn't mean it'll taste good. Fuckers!

This actually was not delicious, at all. I thought it would taste like barbeque but it tasted like pickles instead. Also, it had the same consistency of a baby cuttlefish but mushier, especially at the head.

I'm pretty sure this is what gave me a brief episode of the runs a while back. I don't think they cleaned it very well before they cooked it.


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